Friday, July 27, 2018

DeadCold (game review)

Game: DeadCold
Developer: Joseph Hewitt
Year: 2002
Genre: roguelike
Players: single

The graphics are simple, asci like, but combined with controls.
The player must wander around in a ,,System Shock,, type setting to find what happened in the space station.

DosBox turbo config:

mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd deadcold


Use the d-pad.

Left, right, up, down to move
Use the keyboard or DosBox virtual buttons (A, B, C and D).

i - inventory
o - open door
s - search
d - drop
t - target and spacebar to fire weapon
, - get item from ground
spacebar - Default Item Action (in inventory)
/ - look at
x - shows your character level



Get CWSDPMI.exe file from the BIN directory in the archive.
Or from me, here:
The above link (the first) has a link to a download site, that cannot be accesed through, past a few days ago.

To see the controls, choose ? in the keyboard when you are not in landscape mode, Esc to close the list. x is different than X.

Q QuitGame
X SaveGame

If you want to save the game, SaveGame works if you put Default writen in deadcold.cfg
A SAVEGAME folder will be made with G.txt in it if your character was named G
G.txt will contain lines of text made of numbers and the ingame line which refers to the ship, can be found in it.

The game:

About the game

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