Monday, July 30, 2018

CWSDPMI needed for some ms-dos games

You can get it from me, here:
Or read about it here:
My download is from the below link, but now the link cannot be accesed from theyr site and recently, l:

Saturday, July 28, 2018

DeadCold added info

To see the controls, choose ? in the keyboard when you are not in landscape mode, Esc to close the list. x is different than X.

Q QuitGame
X SaveGame

If you want to save the game, SaveGame works if you put Default writen in deadcold.cfg
A SAVEGAME folder will be made with G.txt in it if your character was named G
G.txt will contain lines of text made of numbers and the ingame line which refers to the ship, can be found in it.

Roguelike games keys

Below you will find the usual keys used in roguelike games :

Preferred Key Controls
combined command list

Friday, July 27, 2018

Doom (game review)

  Game: Doom
  Developer: id Software

Publisher: GT Interactive Software
Year: 1993
Genre: First Person Shooter
Players: single - multiplayer

Doom is a fps game where you, the main protagonist battle the forces of hell, on mars. The sounds and music, atmosphere is great even if you think and compare it to more advanced graphics today. For me the first thing i was thinking when i entered the game, was what type of mountains were and how they were made in the game.

DosBox turbo config :

mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd dooms

DosBox turbo advice :

DosBox turbo is using "l.ctrl" for fire with the dos game Doom. But in reality, Doom uses the default "ctrl". Switch with that. The "arrows", "escape", "enter" and "spacebar" keys are used in DosBox turbo. Quit by exiting DosBox turbo by swipe and using the virtual keyboard. Press "Y" and than exit DosBox turbo the proper way, trough his menu. Don't forget that you don't click "Manual Mode" (Disable over-write of dosbox.conf), or it will overwrite anything you do, to default. In Autoexec, put the above "DosBox turbo config". Above, dos and dooms are folders and doom is the executable file. sdcard1 is your external storage.

Dos game info :

Doom controls

DeadCold (game review)

Game: DeadCold
Developer: Joseph Hewitt
Year: 2002
Genre: roguelike
Players: single

The graphics are simple, asci like, but combined with controls.
The player must wander around in a ,,System Shock,, type setting to find what happened in the space station.

DosBox turbo config:

mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd deadcold


Use the d-pad.

Left, right, up, down to move
Use the keyboard or DosBox virtual buttons (A, B, C and D).

i - inventory
o - open door
s - search
d - drop
t - target and spacebar to fire weapon
, - get item from ground
spacebar - Default Item Action (in inventory)
/ - look at
x - shows your character level



Get CWSDPMI.exe file from the BIN directory in the archive.
Or from me, here:
The above link (the first) has a link to a download site, that cannot be accesed through, past a few days ago.

To see the controls, choose ? in the keyboard when you are not in landscape mode, Esc to close the list. x is different than X.

Q QuitGame
X SaveGame

If you want to save the game, SaveGame works if you put Default writen in deadcold.cfg
A SAVEGAME folder will be made with G.txt in it if your character was named G
G.txt will contain lines of text made of numbers and the ingame line which refers to the ship, can be found in it.

The game:

About the game