Happy Holidays !
Simple reviews of games
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
- Simple reviews of programs
- Mounting a cd
- Copy and modify or make a dosbox manager profile
- Server hosting and joining in ipx and netbios
- Dosbox manager options
- Dosbox turbo, dosbox manager and GamePad issues
- General dos games issues and workarounds
- Relating games problems
- Interview with the developer of Dosbox Turbo
- Various interviews
- Various games raw images and textures
- Old hardware
- Hardware tutorials
- Windows 98 games reviews and gameplay
- Windows 3.1 games reviews and gameplay
- Mods (TBD)
- Tech news
- Visual and tactile reviews
- Do you know that ...
- Systems we use
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Connector (game review)
Game: Connector
Developer: Robert Brown
Publisher: Robert Brown
Year: 1998
Genre: Strategy
Players: single hot-seat or vs computer
I played v.0.1. Connector is a Connect 4 recreation. You put pieces in a line on either direction to
block the other player and win.
This game doesn't have sounds, but doesen't need to.
And if you enjoy this perfect game, i recomend going to the developer
site. There you can find more game and Kingpin mods.
DosBox turbo config :
mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd connect
Controls :
Left and right d-pad to move
Space bar as X on d-pad to drop connect pieces
Cycles :
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Block-Man 1 (game review)
Game: Block-Man 1
Developer: Doug and Larry Murk from Soleau Software
Publisher: Soleau Software
Year: 1993
Genre: Platform
Players: single
I played v. 1.0, shareware.
The graphics are simple, like in Mario, but effective.
The player must put different blocks and climb them
to reach the exist, but is not that simple. Enable pc speaker in DosBox turbo.
If you don't use ,,auto,, on cycles, the player will move slow, the backround
flames quicker. Change to keyboard to use different
commands, like instructions etc. Esc command exits
to dos and cd d command put me in the last level again, but
anything you write do this. Just exit DosBox turbo with its exit button.
DosBox turbo config :
mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd bman
Controls :
Use the d-pad.
Left, right to move
Down to pick up and put down
Up to climb up
Cycles :
3D Xmas Adventure: Santa's Rescue (game review)
Game: 3D Xmas Adventure: Santa's Rescue
Developer: pie in the sky software
Publisher: pie in the sky software
Year: 1996
Genre: FPS
Players: single
You must rescue Santa.
Make sure you have the files data in your data folder.
The game graphics resemble Wolfenstein, but differ.
White bears on two feat trow something
at you in game and you don't know first if they hit you
or not. Fire at something seems that you fire twice. Is hard to know the controls if you don't try them
or read about them. The developer helps you with info about
the editor by accesing the same .exe you start and play your game with,
santa3d.bat. The editor is not free.
DosBox turbo config :
mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd Santa3d
Controls :
Use the d-pad to move.
With the command space bar used by your d-pad
you can say Merry Christmass or only fire weapon when you
get it first.
Enter to grab something, your weapon or items
Cycles :
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Dreamweb games issue
In Dreamweb, you can make a autoexec.bat file and write in your Irq, adress etc. Just make a text and rename it as a .bat file. If not, the game may complain about not find the corect Irq.
When you enter DosBox manager, uncheck ,,Manual mode,, and click ,,Autoexec,,.
There, write this :
mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd dreamweb
Friday, August 4, 2017
The carrom project (pun la jucarii)
I made some videos about my carrom project. The written information i will post here or in another topic.
I updated this topic with this video playlist link:
DIY Carrom
Carrom DIY
I updated this topic with this video playlist link:
DIY Carrom
Only if my cat won't interfere
42 cm board, without center drawing yet and laquer
He is watching ...Carrom DIY
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Toys and toys modding
As the upper little button say, i will present here toys and toys modding. I will start presenting a carrom board i make.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Digism (program review)
Program: Digism
Developer: Ken Silverman
Publisher: Ken Silverman
Platform : Dos
Year: 1993
Genre: sound converter/player
It is a dos program that converts/play .sm and .snd files, which are sound files, to .wav files, another sound files.
Controls :
- Use the keyboard
Cycles :
- auto
virtual bacterium A-Life (game review)
Be sure to have DOS4GW.exe, which eliminates the 640 KB conventional memory limit
Program : virtual bacterium A-Life
Developer : Tom Dobrowolsky
Publisher : Tom Dobrowolsky
Platform : Dos
Year : 1999
Genre : simulation program
A 2d celular type random life simulator.
DosBox turbo advice :
Cycles depends on the speed you want.
Controls :
- Click B, which represents space. Click a second time to randomize.
More info below.
Cycles :
- auto, more or less
moonedit site is down.
Google translate from polish to english, which is not perfect :
.oo l E and F Oo.
- Simulation of life komrek
by Tom Dobrowolski 08.1999
I. The essence of life komrkowego
0. Basics
Life komrek a continuously changing.
Ran slowly getting larger territory and gather si By creating AD models.
Their life consists of several basic processes, such as:
movement, rozmnaanie, odywianie, aging and dying.
Have two parameters: age and energy.
It uses its energy for all vital processes and their result
It is passed surroundings (conventionally in the form of heat).
rdem energy znw environment, energy ktrego constantly Ron
(Conventionally above measures influence the world - warming)
If energy environment Staa lay out bya byby closed
and ALSO population komrek Staa.
Thanks to the increase of energy to fine the population slowly Ron.
The aim is to master the growing population to strengthen their territory by Increasing
liczebnoci as a result of breeding.
The program did not use any random numbers generators, life is komrek
completely deterministic and each time (with the same initiation)
will rozwijao si same!
1. Initiation
Stan pocztkowy BANK Adding one komrka, relatively high energy, capable
to produce (as a result of propagation) without additional quantities of energy are set forth komrek.
2. If you mix and odywianie
Komrki of larger power (stronger) move more quickly.
Komrek The aim is to get the greatest possible amount of power and propagating a
to this end, they can connect to a inn at the same time komrk sumujc energy,
ments This is the process of nutrition.
Yes wic these KTRE move more quickly (strong) try to catch up with a
slower (sabe) and eventually nastpuje poarcie komrki sabszej,
which he has become a course do their best to escape.
4. Rozmnaanie
The process rozmnoenia nastpuje when the komrka has energy requirements
and it consists in dividing a komrki.
An emerging new komrki of total energy rwnej energy komrki parent
(The amount depends on the dimension: 2d - 4 3d - 6, 4d - 8)
Example 2D:
(4) -> (1) (1)
(E) - komrka energy "e"
After rozmnoeniu, komrek is more but there are sabsze, so try out for energy ...
cay and the cycle is repeated from the beginning.
5. Aging and Dying
Natural process zachodzcym the internal structure komrek is aging,
This is the simplest pointer age komrki, who Ron in time.
The process of dying nastpuje within a certain age and consists in passing (gradual)
a power setting in turn leads to the disintegration of komrki.
Because dying komrki not isolate out too much from others controlled the
no other komrek and wic without nutrition no sentence together wystarczajcej
amount of power needed to rozmnoenia.
II. program Description
1. Control:
Space - accelerated development mode (without preview)
Enter - arrest and browsing of previous movements / resume action
In viewing mode (remembers a limited number of movements backwards):
<> - The action forward / backward
<< (Two times "<") - at the beginning
>> - End
Shift + <Shift> - frame by frame
/ - Stop
F1 - powrt to the initial state
cursors - move a camera
gray "+" gray "-" - rapprochement
1 - change kolorw
2 - change ksztatu komrek
3 - kind of blurring (blur)
4 - info (T = time, and P = population)
In 3D and 4D
q, a, z, x - rotating
w, s - Featured wsprzdnej With 4D
2. Parameters:
life.exe <file with the state komrek> <target time simulation> <q - text mode>
life grow
- Reads (if the file already exists) and saves the state of the simulation file grow
life grow 10000 q
- Simulation in text mode performed until 10000
water (program review)
Program : voxel water effect
Developer : Tomasz Dobrowolski
Publisher : Tomasz Dobrowolski
Platform : Dos
Year : 1998
Genre : simulation program
A water simulator with waves.
DosBox turbo advice :
Cycles depends on the speed you want to move the waves.
Controls :
- See the below translation
Cycles :
- auto, more or less
moonedit site is down.
Google translate from polish to english, which is not perfect :
- Water effect -
by Tomasz Dobrowolski
This effect is based on the well-known algorithm of water, but it looks a little better;)
This is because the water is displayed in a different way than I have seen it in other
implementations ...
The surface water is generated voxelowo and is transparent,
you can see through her bottom (which is distortion) and added simple
lighting of the side of the stage ...
At the bottom you can see a small white pointer - the place from which begin Aug. do waves,
You can move the mouse and the buttons do waves (left-lines still, right-droplets).
Also implemented a few interesting effects (keys 1-5):
2-waterfall (say)
3-sine wave
4.5-large droplets (something like boiling water)
Enter'em button to switch between the two modes: bottom + lighting and clean-voxelowy.
At startup (water.exe) can be given parameters:
other texture of the bottom (it must be pcx sized 128x128 and the palette of smooth transitions !!!)
-p uses a pallet of pcxa
filter - water parameters
Have fun.
water.exe - glowny file
env.pcx - standard bottom
runme.bat - runs water.exe without any parameters
blood.bat - red water (you can say the blood)
blood.pcx - texture to "blood"
stawik.bat - water with a higher parameter of wave propagation
stawik.flt - filter
(You can change the parameters of the water, but I did it quite stupid ... and not even describe how; (
like someone wants to let himself wykapuje - and so you can not get other effects ...)
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Just made a paper poster with Simcity 2000 editor
The image of the paper poster
The original image saved is a .pcx, here saved as .png
Either way, is a 63 color image saved from the editor, for printing.
I bought Simcity 2000 edition speciale, which is a french edition. SCURK is the game editor which lets you modd or make from scratch buildings. The image of the poster is not very good, as my phone doesn't capture well some times :) I don't know all the french words but i am happy :)
The original image saved is a .pcx, here saved as .png
Either way, is a 63 color image saved from the editor, for printing.
I bought Simcity 2000 edition speciale, which is a french edition. SCURK is the game editor which lets you modd or make from scratch buildings. The image of the poster is not very good, as my phone doesn't capture well some times :) I don't know all the french words but i am happy :)
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Big Blue Disk (program review)
Developer : Softdisk Publishing
Publisher : Softdisk Publishing
Platform : Dos
Year : 1986 - 1998
Genre : disk magazine
It is a program as a disk magazine, in floppy diskettes and cd, which presented news, games reviews as in form of a virtual pc magazine.
DosBox turbo config example :
mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd bbd01
Controls :
- d-pad keys
Cycles :
- auto
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Deselect "Experimental low latency audio" if a game audio stutter
Deselect "Map DPad to Input Device" if a game menu is not working
Select "Map DPad to Input Device" if a game menu is eratic
How to fix Gold Box Engine games save path error
A Gold Box Engine game is a game made by SSI company. They were many rpg wich share a look-a-like like Ultima, on a Dungeons and Dragons setting.
Gold Box
In a Gold Box Engine game delete your game file .cfg (not your dosboxturbo.cfg) and it will ask you questions regarding sound in your game setup and than press enter for the default path. It will save in the right folder of your game, even if your game say a different game save path, when it is asking you for the default.
Or modify the .cfg (which is buck.cfg) and write :
Than, it will make a save folder with for your save files.
The first sentence i wrote here, about sound setup, may not be necesary for other Gold engine games, if it doesen't require sound setup.
Gold Box
In a Gold Box Engine game delete your game file .cfg (not your dosboxturbo.cfg) and it will ask you questions regarding sound in your game setup and than press enter for the default path. It will save in the right folder of your game, even if your game say a different game save path, when it is asking you for the default.
Or modify the .cfg (which is buck.cfg) and write :
Than, it will make a save folder with for your save files.
The first sentence i wrote here, about sound setup, may not be necesary for other Gold engine games, if it doesen't require sound setup.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Ideas for DosBox turbo
- Shortcut of a dos game to android screen. This will allow to have games shortcuts to your android phone screen, like in windows, when you are using DosBox turbo
- Add user skins
- Add user themes
- Add user buttons
- A zoom option. I know this is not conform with dos, so it may not be done, maybe
- Different warnings added
- More shortcuts, than the one in the upper bar of the screen
- Add a "take screenshot" and "video recording" option
- Add a copy/paste by touch
These will be DosBox turbo dependent, not dos game/program. Your game/program will do what is programed to do.
- Add user skins
- Add user themes
- Add user buttons
- A zoom option. I know this is not conform with dos, so it may not be done, maybe
- Different warnings added
- More shortcuts, than the one in the upper bar of the screen
- Add a "take screenshot" and "video recording" option
- Add a copy/paste by touch
These will be DosBox turbo dependent, not dos game/program. Your game/program will do what is programed to do.
Friday, February 3, 2017
Kriss Asick from pixelships, advice about pixel drawing
I make, as a hobby, sprite drawings. Being in the begining, i asked a well known dos game reviewer, gamer and dos game 3.1 game developer, Kriss Asick, from the below site and youtube channel, about some advice.
His youtube channel :
Best pixel art advice is to get yourself a good pixel pusher, magnify your image in the program, and just draw stuff. The reason it's called "pixel" art is because you're plopping pixels in individually and then essentially shaping what you're drawing as you go along, kinda like if it were possible to sculpt with paint. :BHis site :
His youtube channel :
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Modify your cfg file for playing a game
Example in a cfg file, which is a text file in your phone:
mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd dooms
I know i talked about below in the link, for multiplayer, which is the same but more lines added.
Server hosting and joining in ipx and netbios
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Eforie North (resort on the Black Sea shore) - Culture house monitor and keyboard
I went a few months ago there and saw the above. The resort is one of the most beautifull resorts in Romania, and the monitor - keyboard in the nature settings has a nice feeling to it.
Friday, January 6, 2017
Buttons from A to Z vs Blog Archive
I have to follow a different approach. The few games that i reviewed will go on the right, on the Blog Archive. It is easy to find there and click, than to click only on the buttons from A to Z, above. Of course that you must click buttons from A to Y, to find the game review you want, but try booth ways. When you will click buttons from A to Y to fing a review, you will find link named, like now on button C, you find the game Caesar.
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