Saturday, December 31, 2016

Jetpack Christmas Special (game review)

Game: Jetpack Christmas Special
Developer: Adam Pedersen
Publisher: Software Creations
Platform : Dos
Year: 1993
Genre: Platform game
Players: single - multiplayer

This game, being within a Christmas tematic, it plays differently than the original game. You colect presents and not gems. You have to watch Santa scream in agony if you fail the level. The game has a level editor wich you can make levels.

DosBox turbo config example :

mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd dooms

Controls :
- dirrectional key with the d-pad. You can use "Y" as a on the d-pad as a crate destroy weapon and "x" as jetpack, who destroy crates. He doesen't use the fuel of the jetpack.
The enemies know, at least the robot, were you are, which, is annoyng. I was in the first level and if i were not using the jetpack, the robot enemy was circle around my spot. It doesen't mean the levels cannot be beaten.

Cycles :
- 2000 or less

Happy New Year 2017 !

Happy New Year 2017 !

Monday, October 10, 2016

Enable pc speaker support, if the game supports only that

 Activate "Enable pc speaker support" if you want your game to have a speaker support. You know, the usuall bip-bop type sound you will hear. If the game runs only with the speaker support, you will not hear anything in game, if you not activate "Enable pc speaker support".

 Or, with making your own .cfg file for the respective game, write true and not false in "pcspeaker=false".

White screen appears for a few seconds when launching DosBox turbo

White screen appears for a few seconds when launching DosBox turbo. No problem for DosBox turbo manager.
The developer has told us that this appears, but it is not detrimental to DosBox turbo. I have not found any problem.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

I just found DOS Games Archive

A great site. Shareware, freeware, playable demos and full versions, as the author tells us. See for yourself and play !
Link on the right and below:

DOS Games Archive

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Added "Relating games problems"

Added "Relating games problems", where i talk about problems for each of the game i play with Dosbox Turbo.

Renamed "Short reviews"

"Short reviews" are now "Simple reviews".

Added "Simple reviews of programs"

Added "Simple reviews of programs".

Remember to keep checking from time to time the blog

Remember to keep checking from time to time the blog, as i update sometimes.
"The letter has 1 game info in it and ! means the topic is updated, !! two times and so on."

I added a "Stay in touch for new topics"

I added a "Stay in touch for new topics". I was hoping that a simpler way exist.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

I added a "search" box

I added a "search" box. Now it works, in the past, for some reason it did not.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Can you login to vogons (DosBox forum) ?

I cannot. I recovered my password, but my new password is not recognised.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

DosBox turbo latest commits

DosBox turbo developer has been kind to sent me the link with the latest program commits.

dosbox commits

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Obscure First Person Shooters by MarphitimusBlackimus

I recomend you to check many first person shooters, MarphitimusBlackimus has on its youtube channel playlist. Some are dos games, other not, but old nevertheless. 
Obscure First Person Shooters by MarphitimusBlackimus

Saturday, February 6, 2016

I will ask the developer of DosBox turbo for the past and newer updates

I will ask the developer of DosBox turbo for the past and newer updates, as some were post by me in this blog.