Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Strike Commander (jewel case and CD review)

Strike Commander, comes on a double CD jewel case for MS-DOS 5 or higher.

The CD has the color grey, with no numbers regarding how many CDs are.

The double CD jewel case is made of grey plastic, with the front and back, transparent.


Beside some numbers, the CD have written on, two IFPI. They are the same. I : 0 is embosed as dots.

_ Mastered BY NIMBUS is like a easter egg, because of the _ in front.

 On the CD back, they are written on reverse.

The CD jewel case have vertical ridges on top and lower part and in another vertical places.

When you open the case, on the left there is a space for a cd (my case came with CD with some game demos
that didn't belonged there).
The middle front and back of it has a hole not made for any CD to be hold there.

There are two transparent dents that have white material under them. Maybe white paper.

On the middle back there are two bumps. It is for the game extras (written pages).

On the final back of the case there is a space for a second CD, but acording to Mobygames and other proof on Ebay,
only a CD exist for the game.
My CD resides on the final back of the case.
The Poland version has different writings and images on the back cover, than France, Germany and United Kingdom
The front of the CD jewel case is in english language.

The back of the CD jewel case is in France, Germany and United Kingdom language.
I have a purple sticker on the back of the CD cover. The purple sticker has a rectangle, circle and piramid shape
made of white lines with the blue sticker background and ELECTRONIC ARTS written on it.
Behind the sticker put on paper (see Mobygames link, there without the sticker) there is a text, Made in the E.C. and age requiments.

Next, in this series, Wing Commander Privateer, regardless if i post something else in between.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Do you know that ... (part 1)


The games someone made.

Example :

Shigeru Miyamoto gameography is Mario, The legend of Zelda etc.

Wing Commander Heart of the Tiger (jewel case and CD review)


The front, middle and back of the CD-s jewel case.
Al CD-s open either way.

On all four cd-roms it is written EIN CHRIS ROBERTS SPIEL.

As they are CDs, on them it is written Diskette 1, Diskette 2, but they are not. This is odd. The CDs light rainbow effect is on the CDs photos.

The same photos are under different colors.

All black CD jewel cases are glued on carboard pieces that present themself with black rectangular boarders.

The cardboard pieces are glued themselfs to the main long slim cardboard, but with a different glue, not silicon.

The manufacturer is (under the second and third CDs, repeated two times, upside down) :

DIGIPAK ® Manuf. By J. Upton, England 021 692 1171, as licenced by AGI USA

Beside some numbers, the CDs have written on them a sign and DADC AUSTRIA

Every CD jewel cases have on theyr right two small round bumps, maybe from the molds, here showned with the red lines i added.

The four corners help with lifting the CDs easy, than the usual way.

I don't always have acces to a PC and it takes some time to post.

Next, in this series, Strike Commander, regardless if i post something else in between.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Visual and tactile reviews are next (series)

Here, Visual and tactile reviews are next.

On Patreon, some will be blocked.

Enjoy !

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Samsung warns about winning money scam in 2018, but still a problem

A member of my family had a message on her phone, about a month ago, with a different sum of money offered.

She has a Allview phone.


The news from Samsung is from june 11 2018, but for Allview and maybe others, is still a problem.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Adobe Flash Player support end on december 31 2020

 2. Why did Adobe decide to EOL Flash Player and select the end of 2020 date?

Open standards such as HTML5, WebGL, and WebAssembly have continually matured over the years and serve as viable alternatives for Flash content. Also, the major browser vendors are integrating these open standards into their browsers and deprecating most other plug-ins (like Adobe Flash Player).By announcing our business decision in 2017, with three years’ advance notice, we believed that would allow sufficient time for developers, designers, businesses, and other parties to migrate existing Flash content as needed to new, open standards

5. If I find Flash Player available for download on a third-party website, can I use it?

No, these versions of Flash Player are not authorized by Adobe. Customers should not use unauthorized versions of Flash Player.  Unauthorized downloads are a common source of malware and viruses.  Adobe has no responsibility for unauthorized versions of Flash Player and customers’ use of such versions is entirely at their own risk.

7. Will Adobe provide security updates for Flash Player after the end-of-life date?

Adobe will not issue Flash Player updates or security patches after the EOL Date. We recommend that all users uninstall Flash Player before the EOL date (see manual uninstall instructions for Windows and Mac users). As of mid-October 2020, users started being prompted by Adobe to uninstall Flash Player on their machines since Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Installing again google play store in Serioux FasTAB S716 with android 4.0.4, doesen't work well

This is a test you can make.

First download from below, google play store.

Google Play Store APK 7.0.16.H

I installed Google Play services 3.2.25

You must install google account manager, google play services and google services framework if you don't have it.

Always try to install the closest year for google play store and google play services vs android version. 

If you download many version of google play, install the new first. I did it otherway, but it is harder.

Regardless, i cannot install anything on android 4.0.4.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How to check your Latitude CPx J or H operating systems

Write on your browser :

Your Latitude CPx J supports these operating systems


Your Latitude CPx H supports these operating systems

For CPx H :


I'm modding Decker


Authors links below: 

System Requirements  

Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / ME

The game is under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991.



Saturday, August 22, 2020

RawWrite and .img files (program review)


 Img files are containers like .rar files are (opened with Winrar). WinImage can open .img files too.

RawWrite can be used to write  a .img file on a floppy disk, when you needed files for your Windows 3.x system.

The work can be done from a Windows 10 system, either by writing files or copy them directly.

When you see somewhere Windows 3.x, this means that it refers to Windows 3.1 or 3.11.

3.11 was a little update.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Patreon link added on the right

 We added a Patreon page on the right. Thank you.

Youtube tutorials are made in Patreon

 For only 2 $ you can see all our tutorials there. Thank you.

Friday, July 31, 2020

The difference between AVI and ASF using Logitech C525 HD Webcam with Smart camera program

ASF file

AVI file

I removed the USB 2.0 Endoscope Camera and use now Logitech C525 HD Webcam with Smart camera program (by Novotech Industries Limited instead)

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Loonies 8192 (gameplay)

Game: Loonies 8192
Developer: Thomas Pearl (thp)
Year: 27-01-2019
Genre: puzzle
Players: single

Friday, March 20, 2020

Sci-fi/steampunk art in Iași Botanical Garden, Romania

                                                                          Cătălina Secu - Sinoptic

                                                                   Diana Condurache - Huge Love

                                                                      Călin Pîrîială - Primul Dar

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Loonies 8192 (game review)

Game: Loonies 8192
Developer: Thomas Pearl (thp)
Year: 27-01-2019
Genre: puzzle
Players: single


The music is catchy, but repetitive. When you stay click left or right d-pad before you click anything, the menu will change colors.
In the game, you must make lines of the same color.
For example, 3 bubbles up and below. A line from the left part of the screen will start removing the bubbles, if the condition are met.

In Audio Device, choosing midi, freezes the game.
You must click down in the virtual keyboard to exit the info text
in the game.
You need MSCDEX for better music in game. Better music from the below link (game included).

DosBox turbo config:

mount d: /storage/sdcard1/dos/
cd LOON8R50

Up, left and right d-pad to move position and down to hurry down
Use enter as X on d-pad to drops faster. X can be used to enter
different options.
